Vegas Friends of Guinea Pig Rescue

Stan the Man's Story

Stan and his brother Hank came into the rescue on January 27th, 2023. They were surrendered by their previous owners. Right away I knew Stan was in trouble. His breathing was very loud and labored. An awesome supporter and foster came by that night with her nebulizer box, showed me how to use it….and the journey began.

Over the course of the next several months, my vets and I tried many things to try to clear up Stan’s respiratory issues. We tried steroids and anti-biotics and anti-inflammatories. He had liquid meds for his nebulizer so that I could instantly give him a nebulizer treatment when he was struggling. Nothing worked. Despite his loud breathing and congestion, Stan was a very happy guinea pig. He did not appreciate my snuggles but he sure loved to eat. His favorite was bell peppers. The highlight of my day was giving his a slice and watching him run off with it, sticking up in the air. Sometimes he would run into his house and the pepper slice was too long and knock over the house. Stan was full of life. He had my heart.

On July 27, 2023, I found Stan near death. I thought of just holding him close as he passed, but something told me to jump in the car and take him to the vet. They rushed him right in. His prognosis was very grim. He was very bloated, his temperature was only 94 and he was not very responsive. I braced myself and held my breath for the next 48 hours. It was a rollercoaster from one call from the vet to the next. But he made. He survived. And I knew he would never leave my house.

Unfortunately, Stan passed away on November 21, 2023. He had another episode and he was tired, so despite emergency efforts, he went on his own accord. He was loved all over the world and many, besides myself, mourned him. He stood for strength and resilience and the will to live. He was Stan the Man.

Some piggies like Stan, come to us with medical problems, but still have a good quality of life. They deserve love and they deserve a forever family. Stan was originally going to be part of this program, but after his first hospitalization, I knew I could never part with him. It is a joy and warming to nurse an animal that needs help. Please consider adopting a guinea pig from this program and help keep Stan’s spirit alive through every animal that is helped and loved.

Stan's Safe Sanctuary Program

Sometimes, a small animal will come to the rescue that may not be able to ever be adopted. This is usually due to medical reasons. In some cases, these are hospice cases. In other cases, if a guinea pig or pair have been returned so many times, it is only fair to offer them a permanent spot where they will always be safe. 

In any of these cases, these lives need a place to live out their days with love, comfort and compassion. With the rise and flow of rescue, it is not always possible to have them at the rescue location. They deserve more time and attention. That is were the program steps in. 

Stan’s Safe Sanctuary Program is for our permanent residents. If you would like to adopt a resident in Stan’s Safe Sanctuary Program, you will be making a commitment to them to care for them and love them. Our commitment as a rescue is to ensure that their medical needs are met. 

When you adopt a resident of this program, it is an official adoption. There will be a disclaimer in the adoption contract that the rescue will pay for the  medical needs pertaining to the medical issue that the piggy has when leaving the rescue.  This includes a minimum of a yearly check-up (more frequently if needed), any emergency visits needed for the medical concerns, any medications or supplements needed. We will also provide on-going support and any needs the Safe Sanctuary participant might need. There is no adoption fee for members of this program.  Not everyone will be approved to be able to adopt- the strictest standards will be in place. Experienced guinea pig owners only. 

Currently Eligible for Safe Sanctuary Program

If you are interested in adopting one of the below special piggies, please fill out the adoption application from the “Form” menu or e-mail any questions to [email protected]

Coming Soon: Sponsorships for the Safe Sanctuary Residents!

Want to help but can’t adopt or foster? 

Coming soon there will be an opportunity to sponsor one of our Sanctuary Piggies! There will be great rewards like shout outs in their posts, name on the website and others!Stay tuned!!!