Foster a Guinea Pig: Make a Difference in a Cavy's Life Today!
Responsibilities of a Foster Parent
- Provide daily care (feeding unlimited hay, pellets, water, cleaning the cage)
- Agree to provide daily fresh vegetables (grocery gift card available on request)
- Agree to keep the appropriate size cage inside of the home, free from drafts, other pets and temperatures from below 65 and above 80 degrees
- Not allow children to be the primary caretaker
- Keep cage clean by spot cleaning daily and a weekly full cage cleaning
- Perform nail trims as needed, if unable to, agree to drive to Foster Coordinator’s home for them to do it for you
- Agree to monitor for any physical changes such as loss of fur, loss of weight, sneezing, runny eyes, swollen feet and notify foster coordinator immediately if concerns arise
- Agree to respond within 24 hours if contacted
- Agree to send updated pictures and a bio so the guinea pigs can be promoted for adoption
- Agree to facilitate meet and greets for potential adopters and their guinea pigs or transport guinea pig to the Foster Coordinator if unable to
- Agree to transport to adoption events (no more that one time a month)
- Agree to return all equipment (cage, accessories) if unable to foster any more
Responsibilities of Vegas Friends of Guinea Pig Rescue
- Be available to foster parents for all questions, concerns
- Supply needed materials on a monthly basis (hay, pellets, vitamin C)
- Facilitate medical care and transport to medical care if needed for the guinea pig
- Agree to take custody of the guinea pig and transfer to another foster if foster does not work out or needs a break
- Facilitate the initial transport of the guinea pig to foster
- Check in with foster parents on a regular basis

Foster Start-Up Kit

All foster parents will receive a Foster Start-Up Kit that includes:
- MidWest Cage
- MidWest Liner
- Orchard/Timoty Hay
- 5 lbs of Oxbow Pellets
- Bag of Vitamin C
- Igloo Hide
- Water Bottle
- Bowl
- Kitchen Scale
- Medical Kit (Critical Care, Infant Gas Relief, Bene-bac, 1ml syringes, 20ml syringes)
Foster Fails
Yes, it happens- and we love it! If are fostering for us and just fall in love, you can keep the complete foster kit for $100!